“Will you marry me?” Jacob said while kneeling on the sand of Carolina beach with a beautiful sunset and waves crashing in the background.
“Yes, of course!” I exclaimed.
This evening was one of the most memorable and magical days of my life. July 17th, 2021 will forever be a day to remember and one that has started the journey to marrying my best friend, my partner, my soon to be husband.
After the phone calls to family and friends, showing off my gorgeous ring, and celebrating with my new fiancé began the start of wedding planning. Many questions were asked as we began these conversations. When do we want to get married? Who do we invite? Where will we go for our honeymoon? And most importantly… WHERE do we get married? This question was the biggest decision for both of us and the most important. There are a few key components me and Jacob discussed in order to start us on our way to finding the perfect venue.
Components of Choosing a Venue
Ambiance & Style
Service & Amenities
Capacity & Minimums
Over the next few months we will discuss these individual topics in depth and how me and Jacob came to the decision of choosing the venue that was right for us.
Ashley Baldwin